Articles by Reece Alvarez
Reece Alvarez
Why drive a golf cart when you can fly a jetpack?
And height may say a lot about a country's health status.
Black-footed ferrets depend on prairie dogs as a source of food, but both species are being decimated by disease.
Facebook’s massive Aquila drone took the skies for the first time with a successful, but brief test flight.
A new study finds medical marijuana is reducing the use of other drug prescriptions.
Funded by the US Department of Defense, ASU researchers are on the frontier of mind-controlled devices.
Graduate students from John Hopkins University have developed video game controllers that can be worn on the feet and used with widely-popular video games.
These Birds Stay Airborne Without Landing for Two Months
Built for gliding, frigate birds of Europa Island in Africa have been found to stay in the air for more than two months by gliding on updrafts and global wind patterns.
Light pollution is well known for its impact on stargazing, but now researchers have found possible links to changes in the seasons as well.
AI Fighter Pilot Dominates Human Pro in Simulation
Retired United States Air Force Colonel Gene Lee was consistently defeated by an artificial intelligence fighter pilot program in simulated air combat.
Google’s Boston Dynamics Continues to Develop Creepy Robots
An age-old saying is you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but perhaps you can build a robot dog to do your dishes.
Australia Banned the Deadliest Guns 20 Years Ago and Hasn’t Seen a Fatal Mass Shooting Since
Why can't we?
Is the Media Over-Associating Mental Illness With Violence?
Mass killings such as the 2007 Virginia Tech shootings are happening with greater frequency, but is mental illness to blame as much as the media portrays it to be? A new study argues no.
The killing of millions of baby chickens is one particularly dark side of industrial chicken farming that might be stopped thanks to impending embryo technology.
Is this the decade we finally achieve the dream of combining air travel and automobiles?