Who are you going to catch in a lie?
The Museum of Math (MoMath), located in New York City, publishes weekly puzzles. This one, published under the title Instant Interrogation, was their first, and it challenges you to outsmart three suspects in a crime.“In the orderly town of Logiton, anyone who’s ever committed a crime always lies, and anyone who’s completely innocent always tells the truth. The Medal of Reason has been stolen from Town Hall, and the Logiton Police have rounded up three suspects: Acey, Basie, and Casey. The police have evidence proving that one of the three is the culprit and one is completely innocent of any crime; they are unsure whether the third has ever committed a crime or not, and of course, they don’t know which suspect is which. The interrogation is short and sweet: “I stole the Medal of Reason!” cries out Acey, to which Basie responds, “Darn right he did,” while Casey just sits there sullenly eyeing everyone in the room. “Case closed!” booms the chief of the Logiton Police. Who stole the Medal of Reason, and which of the suspects have completely clean records?”
Do you think you can solve it? Don’t read any further until you’re ready for the solution.
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Here’s what we know:
- Acey and Basie both say Acey stole the medal.
If Acey stole the medal, he couldn’t say that he had because he would have to lie. Yet, if he has never been guilty of a crime, he would also be proclaiming his innocence. Thus, we know that Acey isn’t guilty of this crime, but he isn’t completely innocent either.
This leaves Basie and Casey.One of them stole the medal while the other is completely innocent.
If Basie is innocent of any crime, he couldn’t say that Acey stole the medal, since as we just learned, Acey did not. Therefore, Basie must have stolen it and is now lying to protect himself.
Thus, Casey has a completely clean record.
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