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If Male Scientists Were Described the Way We Talk About Their Female Peers

"His dour personality made everyone think he’d never marry. Even so, Schrödinger got a wife and a Nobel Prize."

| 2 min read

Twitter user @Daurmith wrote this series of biographies for famous male scientists.

Originally posted in Spanish, blogger and Twitter user @Daurmith wrote one-sentence biographies for male scientists in response to a piece about British poet Sarah Howes. According to Buzzfeed, the article turned attention away from the Howes's prestigious TS Eliot Prize and instead focused on the poet's appearance.

“I got to thinking about that and about all the other times I’ve seen articles written about notable women in which their looks/makeup secrets/wardrobe advice were discussed, sometimes instead of – not besides – her work," Daurmith told Buzzfeed.

Here's what you might read about male scientists if their appearances were valued over their research:

Note the tone of surprise that a man can have a personal life and a work life:

Other Twitter users responded with their own parody biographies:

Read next: 7 Scientists Who Never Got the Credit They Deserved

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