
A protein found within the powerhouse of a cell could be the key to holding back the march of time, research by scientists at The University of Nottingham has shown.
| 2 min read

Wood Ants Trapped in a Nuclear Weapon Bunker are “Living Beyond the Limits of Survival”
byErica Tennenhouse
| 2 min read

Desert Elephants Pass on Their Extreme Survival Skills
byErica Tennenhouse
| 2 min read

Why Don't Plants Get Sunburn?
byThe Conversation
New research from the University of Geneva is helping us understand how plants protect themselves from the sun.
| 4 min read

Swordfish Lube up Their Heads for High-Speed Swimming
byErica Tennenhouse
One of the fastest swimmers on the planet secretes oil to stay slick.
| 2 min read

How Mountain Goats Ascend Nearly Vertical Cliffs
byErica Tennenhouse
The climbing mechanics of extraordinary mountaineers.
| 2 min read

Shorebirds Are Shrinking in an Arctic Oven
byErica Tennenhouse
Paying the bill for climate change
| 2 min read

Thanks to Bears, Cherry Trees Might Be Able to Cope With Global Warming
byErica Tennenhouse
To survive rapidly warming climates, temperature-sensitive plants must adapt to the heat or risk extinction.
| 2 min read

The Great Barrier Reef Needs to Train for a Marathon
byErica Tennenhouse
It’s getting harder for corals to beat the heat.
| 2 min read

Scientists Discover How Penguins Naturally De-Ice Themselves
byJoanne Kennell
The secret could be used to prevent plane crashes.
| 2 min read
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