
He stood a majestic 5-foot-5, weighed around 100 pounds and maybe had a harem. That's what scientists figure from the footprints he left behind some 3.7 million year ago.

Prehistoric Culture Honored People With Extra Fingers and Toes

Genetic analyses reveal a collection of highly distinct groups in the Near East and Europe at the dawn of agriculture. These groups mixed and migrated to form the relatively homogeneous populations seen in the region today.

Footprints Reveal Homo erectus Walked Just Like Us 1.5 Million Years Ago
Shapes of the fossil and modern footprints are indistinguishable.

Hobbits' Ancestors Have Been Discovered
3-foot tall hominins lived 700,000 years ago on an Indonesian island.

4,800-Year-Old Remains of a Woman Cradling an Infant Unearthed in Taiwan
The cause of death remains a mystery.

Infrared Imaging Reveals Female Egyptian Mummy Was Covered in Tattoos
Depictions of animals and flowers adorned her body.

6000-Year-Old Skulls Contain Large Surgical Holes
These dangerous operations may have been performed for ritual, not medical, purposes

Y Chromosome Reveals a Hidden History of Men
A large-scale genetic study links ancient male population bursts to migration, conquests, and technology