Artificial Intelligence

Elon Musk Thinks We’ll Likely End Up With Universal Basic Income Due to Robots Taking Jobs
byKelly Tatera
As robots steal our jobs, Musk envisions that the government will start paying individuals a regular wage.
| 2 min read

The newly developed self-learning system could offer a way to significantly reduce energy demand.
| 3 min read

Amazon Echo Will Bring Genuinely Helpful AI into Our Homes Much Sooner than Expected
byThe Conversation
Alexa, the Amazon AI assistant, can help out with a number of tasks, from ordering a pizza or taxi to reminding users of their scheduled events for the day.
| 4 min read

Could We Upload a Brain to a Computer – and Should We Even Try?
byThe Conversation
Transhumanism sees mind uploading as the ultimate destiny of humanity, but it's actually a dangerous distraction.
| 4 min read

AI Fighter Pilot Dominates Human Pro in Simulation
byReece Alvarez
Retired United States Air Force Colonel Gene Lee was consistently defeated by an artificial intelligence fighter pilot program in simulated air combat.
| 3 min read
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