
Drinking highly caffeinated alcoholic beverages triggers changes in the adolescent brain similar to taking cocaine, and the consequences last into adulthood, according to a Purdue University study.
| 3 min read

Research Check: Can Drinking Coffee Reduce Your Dementia Risk?
byThe Conversation
| 5+ min read

Climate Change Threatens Coffee Production
byErica Tennenhouse
| 2 min read

This Caffeine Bracelet Will Spare You the Side Effects of Actually Drinking Coffee
byElizabeth Knowles
No more yellow teeth or constantly having to run to the bathroom
| 2 min read

This Man Now Has the Most Studied Brain in History
byKelly Tatera
The scientist scanned his brain twice a week for 18 months. Surprisingly, coffee and breakfast had the biggest effect on his brain’s connectivity.
| 3 min read

Want a Better Night’s Sleep? Brush Your Teeth in the Dark
byKelly Tatera
It could work wonders.
| 2 min read

Viral Rumors About Coca Cola: Debunked
byKelly Tatera
While Coca Cola isn’t a healthy choice by any means, the science behind the drink’s effects on the body proves some of the viral claims to be wildly exaggerated.
| 2 min read
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