
Addicted to Oil: US Gasoline Consumption is Higher than Ever
byThe Conversation
| 4 min read

Carbon-Emitting Plants Adjust to Climate Change
byErica Tennenhouse
Past studies have over-estimated how much carbon plants will spew as temperatures rise.
| 2 min read

New thermostat settings could reduce 2.5 percent of energy use in US office buildings and restaurants, amounting to about $600 million in national savings.
| 4 min read

Scientists Designed a Material that Already Existed in Nature
byErica Tennenhouse
Rare minerals found in Siberia are highly similar to ‘designer’ solids.
| 2 min read

Carbon Stored Underground Has Not Leaked in 100,000 Years
byErica Tennenhouse
Cap rock keeps a tight lid on greenhouse gases.
| 2 min read

How Green Are Solar and Wind Power Really?
byJoanne Kennell
Does the clean energy generated offset the fossil fuel emissions of manufacturing to make them?
| 3 min read

Iceland is Taking Notes From Medusa by Turning CO2 Into Stone
byJoanne Kennell
The answer to our climate change prayers?
| 3 min read
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