
Have you ever taken a good look at a cat's tongue? If so, you may have noticed the tiny, sharp "spines" on its surface.
| 3 min read

Scientists Discover How Cats Took Over the World
byErica Tennenhouse
| 2 min read

Rare Snow Leopard Has Been Collared in Kyrgyzstan
byErica Tennenhouse
In a region where this endangered species was once nearly eliminated, things may be looking up.
| 2 min read

Experts Reveal 25 Signs That Your Cat May Be in Pain
byJoanne Kennell
It is the first list of its kind to be agreed upon by experts in feline medicine.
| 3 min read

New Study to Reveal the Meaning Behind Different Cat Meows
byJoanne Kennell
Did you know adult cats only meow to humans?
| 3 min read

Cats or Dogs: One Supposedly Loves Their Humans Five Times More
byJoanne Kennell
But is love something that can really be measured?
| 2 min read

Could Fish-Flavored Food Be Harming Your Cat’s Health?
byJoanne Kennell
Hyperthyroidism is on the rise.
| 2 min read

Patchy Colorings in Cats Could Explain Certain Birth Defects
byJoanne Kennell
These patterns are often found on cats, horses and mice.
| 2 min read
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