WATCH: Coffee Can Break Your DNA!
byJohannes Van Zijl
Recent studies have found evidence that regular coffee consumption can affect our DNA.
| 1 min read
Research Check: Can Drinking Coffee Reduce Your Dementia Risk?
byThe Conversation
| 5+ min read
Climate Change Threatens Coffee Production
byErica Tennenhouse
A new report predicts extreme temperature will cut the world’s coffee-growing area in half within a few decades.
| 2 min read
No, Coffee Doesn’t Cause Cancer... Unless It’s Piping Hot
byGillian Burrell
The WHO reclassifies the carcinogenic effects of coffee, maté, and hot beverages
| 2 min read
The FDA is urged to take stronger action against concentrated caffeine products.
| 3 min read
5 Reasons Why Pod Coffee Doesn’t Taste as Good as Drip Coffee
byJoanne Kennell
Life is too short to drink bad coffee!
| 3 min read
If you collected all the single-use coffee pods sold just by Keurig in a year and lined them up end-to-end, they would circle the planet almost 11 times!
| 3 min read
This Caffeine Bracelet Will Spare You the Side Effects of Actually Drinking Coffee
byElizabeth Knowles
No more yellow teeth or constantly having to run to the bathroom
| 2 min read
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