
A new study from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), has revealed a previously unknown element of whale songs .
| 3 min read

"We hope this technology could be used to extend the range of communication, and one day lead to impenetrable privacy between two communicating parties."
| 2 min read

In preliminary research, scientists used a brain-computer interface to translate neural signals to text with a high degree of accuracy.
| 2 min read

China’s Quantum Satellite Could Make Data Breaches a Thing of the Past
byThe Conversation
China recently launched a satellite into orbit with a unique feature: it has the ability to send information securely, not with mathematical encryption, but by using the fundamental laws of physics.
| 3 min read

Claim that Dolphins Have Conversations May Not Hold Water
byErica Tennenhouse
Study’s conclusions are premature, experts say.
| 2 min read

Why Is That Goat Staring at You?
byErica Tennenhouse
Goats are a lot like dogs when it comes to interacting with people.
| 2 min read
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