
Besides providing information about the atmospheres of other planets, cosmic dust can impact radio communications, climate and even serve as fertilizer for phytoplankton in the oceans.
| 3 min read

In a First, a “Snow-Line” Was Spotted Around a Young Star
byGillian Burrell
All thanks to an outburst of energy from the star.
| 2 min read

This Dark Energy Map of the Universe Will Let Astrophysicists Test General Relativity on a New Scale
Physicists and astronomers release the largest-ever, three-dimensional map of distant galaxies.
| 4 min read

A Dying Satellite Helps Researchers Understand How Galaxies Grow
byGillian Burrell
Hitomi’s tragic end was not in vain.
| 2 min read

13 Billion Light-Years Away, Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity Still Holds True
byJoanne Kennell
His “biggest blunder” may have been right afterall.
| 2 min read

The Universe Might Be Expanding Much Faster Than We Thought
byJoanne Kennell
Buckle up, folks. Our understanding of the universe may be turned upside down.
| 3 min read

Scientists Pin Down the Earliest the Universe Could End
byJoanne Kennell
Don’t worry, it’s good news!
| 2 min read
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