
How to Talk to Your Dog – According to Science
byThe Conversation
New research confirms puppies respond better when we talk to them in a certain way.
| 3 min read

Dogs Can Separate Vocabulary from Intonation
byErica Tennenhouse
Brain scans show dogs process language the same way as humans.
| 2 min read

Sperm Quality is Declining in Dogs
byErica Tennenhouse
And possibly in their best friends.
| 2 min read

South Korean Cloning Facility Will Create a “Reborn” Version of Your Dead Dog for $100K
byKelly Tatera
Just put your deceased pet in the fridge for a few days and the company will handle the rest.
| 2 min read

How Deadly Is Your Dog's Saliva?
byThe Conversation
A woman developed sepsis after she was licked by her pet greyhound.
| 4 min read

FDA Warns a Popular Artificial Sweetener Can Kill Dogs
byJoanne Kennell
Although xylitol is harmless to humans, it affects dogs very differently.
| 2 min read

This Synthetic Dog Will Revolutionize Veterinary Training
byJoanne Kennell
Eliminating the need for cadavers.
| 3 min read

We Liked Dogs So Much That We Domesticated Them Twice
byErica Tennenhouse
A new twist in the story of dog origins.
| 2 min read
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