earth-like planets

A rocky extrasolar planet with a mass similar to Earth’s was recently detected around Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to our sun, and it could be habitable.
| 4 min read

The finding is "an important clue to figuring out the process by which our Solar System formed, and might help us understand where habitable planets are likely to be found."
| 4 min read

"If Proxima b is habitable, then it might be an ideal place to move. Perhaps we have just discovered a future home for humanity."
| 5 min read

"Our field is very focused on finding Earth 2.0, and anything we can do to narrow the search is helpful."
| 2 min read

A Possibly Habitable Planet Was Found Around our Nearest Neighbor Star
byThe Conversation
The researchers say we might actually be able to send tiny robots to the potentially habitable world in the next few decades.
| 3 min read
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