
A new review suggests that global climate change threatens parasites with extinction, which could have big consequences for ecosystems.
| 2 min read

The Many Organisms that Inhabit an Elephant’s Footprint
byErica Tennenhouse
| 2 min read

Coral Reefs Thrive on Nutritious Fish Urine
byErica Tennenhouse
Fewer large fish means less fish pee for coral growth.
| 2 min read

Scientists Elicit the Help of Beavers to Clean up Streams
byErica Tennenhouse
Dams help restore imperiled fish populations.
| 2 min read

Light pollution is well known for its impact on stargazing, but now researchers have found possible links to changes in the seasons as well.
| 2 min read

Why Squid, Cuttlefish, and Octopuses Are Experiencing a Baby Boom
byErica Tennenhouse
‘Weeds of the sea’ are on the rise.
| 2 min read

99.999% of Microbial Species on Earth Have Not Been Discovered
byErica Tennenhouse
Microbes are so tiny that scientists sometimes forget about them.
| 2 min read

Yacht Belonging to Microsoft Co-Founder Paul Allen Decimates Caribbean Coral Reef
byJohannes Van Zijl
The billionaire's boat caused massive damage to the fragile ecosystem.
| 2 min read
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