The strange signals only last milliseconds, but they generate as much energy as the Sun in an entire day.
A Drilling Rig Named Thor is About to Make History
What could be better than a world-leading atomic clock? Two clocks in one.
10 Ways to Keep Your House Warm (and Save Money) this Winter
Heating homes accounts for over 70% of household energy consumption, so reducing this figure can cut energy bills and help reduce carbon emissions.
Combining Concentrating Solar and Thermoelectric Materials Raises Efficiency
Wind turbines are known to kill large birds, such as golden eagles, that live nearby. Now there is evidence that birds from up to hundreds of miles away make up a significant portion of the raptors that are killed at these wind energy fields.
Hydrogen Could Become the New Fuel for Cooking – Here's How
The main drawback at present is the capital cost
Findings by UCLA-led team hold promise for new ways to protect telecommunication and navigation satellites.
"The next nuclear accident may be much sooner or more severe than the public realizes."