Northwestern Medicine scientists have discovered for the first time that the rhythm of breathing creates electrical activity in the human brain that enhances emotional judgments and memory recall.
Psychology researchers at West Virginia University have discovered evidence of a genetic basis for fearing dental treatment.
The Psychology Behind Why Clowns Creep Us Out
Clowns are supposed to be funny, but research helps explain why many of us find them to be downright disturbing.
More Than Half of Americans Believe in 9/11 Conspiracies, Among Other Interesting Fears
"We found clear evidence that the United States is a strongly conspiratorial society."
Contrary to popular belief, the experience of fear may not be completely impaired in psychopathy.
By recreating fear memories and disrupting them, exposure therapy can be made more effective.
Why Do Some People Get Annoyed by the Sound of Chewing?
Chomp, chomp, chomp. The sound of chewing can really drive some people crazy! But what exactly causes the hatred of certain sounds, especially the sound made by someone chewing?
The Science Behind Our Stubborn Superstitions
We know they’re irrational but choose to believe them. Why?