
Before you reach for just one more roast potato, let’s consider what really goes on in our digestive system when we consume large amounts of food.

New research conducted by scientists at the University of York reveals for the first time that Europe's earliest humans did not use fire for cooking, but had a balanced diet of meat and plants -- all eaten raw.

The same chemical reaction is behind the frothing of milk in your cappuccino and the whipping of egg whites in sweet meringue.

Legume-based meals contain more fiber than meat-based meals, which can promote more feelings of fullness and cut back calorie consumption.

Flash Forward America: Honey Bee Larvae for Supper?
Can honey bee brood, a sustainable by-product of hive maintenance, pave the way for acceptance of insects as food in the western world?

Health Check: Is Cheese Good For You?
It’s no wonder people are confused about whether it’s good to eat cheese, when even food experts are divided.