Food Safety

Health Check: Is it Safe to Microwave Your Food?
byThe Conversation
There is no evidence supporting claims that cooking or heating food in the microwave can give you cancer or food poisoning.
| 4 min read

New Study: Salmonella Thrives in Salad Bags
byThe Conversation
| 3 min read

Sperm Quality is Declining in Dogs
byErica Tennenhouse
And possibly in their best friends.
| 2 min read

How Do Food Manufacturers Pick Those Dates on Their Product Packaging – and What Do They Mean?
byThe Conversation
When does it all become dangerous to eat?
| 5+ min read

In fact, there’s evidence that genetically-engineered crops have benefitted human health.
| 2 min read

Is It Safe to Eat Your Food If a Fly Has Landed on It?
byKelly Tatera
You’ve probably heard that flies vomit as soon as they land on a surface…
| 2 min read

Video Experiment: McDonald’s Fries Don’t Mold After 10 Weeks
byKelly Tatera
But the sandwiches basically turned into lab petri dishes…
| 2 min read

How Dirty Is The Meat You Eat?
byJohannes Van Zijl
Is there actually anything living in the meat we buy? The disgusting answer is yes.
| 1 min read

New Camera Unveils Details Invisible to the Human Eye
byKelly Tatera
Is that avocado in the grocery store ripe? This affordable camera will let you see beneath the surface of its skin.
| 3 min read
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