Funky Fauna

These Birds Stay Airborne Without Landing for Two Months
byReece Alvarez
Built for gliding, frigate birds of Europa Island in Africa have been found to stay in the air for more than two months by gliding on updrafts and global wind patterns.
| 3 min read

Flexible Fins Allow Fish to Climb Trees
byErica Tennenhouse
| 2 min read

Chameleons Use Natural Tongue Glue to Ensnare Huge Prey
byErica Tennenhouse
| 2 min read

Rare Eyeless Catfish Spotted in Texas
byErica Tennenhouse
These blindcats were previously known to exist only in Mexico.
| 2 min read

How Mountain Goats Ascend Nearly Vertical Cliffs
byErica Tennenhouse
The climbing mechanics of extraordinary mountaineers.
| 2 min read

How Animals Self-Medicate
byErica Tennenhouse
The animal kingdom is full of competent pharmacists.
| 2 min read

This Monster of the Sea Could Be One of the World’s Oldest Living Animals
byErica Tennenhouse
‘Living fossils’ that can survive for millennia!
| 2 min read

Bizarre Hammerhead Was the First Vegetarian Reptile in the Ocean
byErica Tennenhouse
It arose in the wake of the world’s largest mass extinction
| 2 min read

World’s Longest Insect Discovered in China
byErica Tennenhouse
It’s over half a meter long!
| 2 min read

Bearcat Urine Might Make You Crave Popcorn
byErica Tennenhouse
Researchers identify a surprising urinary compound.
| 2 min read
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