
Amazon Echo Will Bring Genuinely Helpful AI into Our Homes Much Sooner than Expected
byThe Conversation
Alexa, the Amazon AI assistant, can help out with a number of tasks, from ordering a pizza or taxi to reminding users of their scheduled events for the day.
| 4 min read

The Next Wearable Technology Could Be Your Skin
byThe Conversation
| 4 min read

Knocki Lets You Control Your Devices by Tapping Tables, Doors, Walls
byJohannes Van Zijl
You can turn any surface into a remote control!
| 1 min read

This Social Sharing Drone Follows You Around to Capture Stunning Footage of Your Adventures
byKelly Tatera
“The world’s first social sharing, autonomous drone that follows you on demand.”
| 2 min read

Samsung Files Patent for Smart Contact Lens With a Built-In Camera
byGillian Burrell
A step up from Google Glass.
| 2 min read
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