
One in five US gun owners who obtained a firearm in the past 2 years did so without a background check, according to a new national survey.
| 3 min read

A License to Print: How Real is the Risk Posed by 3D Printed Guns?
byThe Conversation
| 4 min read

Can We Predict Who Will Become Mass Shooters?
byThe Conversation
James Holmes was a psychiatric patient at the time he shot 24 people dead in the Aurora Picture House shooting in 2012
| 5 min read

Australia Banned the Deadliest Guns 20 Years Ago and Hasn’t Seen a Fatal Mass Shooting Since
byReece Alvarez
Why can't we?
| 3 min read

Here's How Witnessing Violence Harms Children's Mental Health
byThe Conversation
Children are being increasingly exposed to violence. What’s the impact?
| 5+ min read

Why this Scientist Shot a Bullet at Himself Underwater and How He Didn’t Die
byElizabeth Knowles
Now that’s dedication to science
| 2 min read
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