
A restaurant in New York is offering a pizza topped with caviar, stilton cheese and gold leaf, with each bite costing around US$50.

Nutrition Experts Ranked the 12 Best Diets of 2017

A daily handful of nuts can cut cancer risk by 15 percent, coronary heart disease risk by nearly 30 percent, and risk of premature death by 22 percent.

Flash Forward America: Honey Bee Larvae for Supper?
Can honey bee brood, a sustainable by-product of hive maintenance, pave the way for acceptance of insects as food in the western world?

Which Diets Are Backed by Science?
From calorie restriction and celebrity diets to carb-cutting and high-protein diets, which nutrition plans actually work?

Health Check: Is Cheese Good For You?
It’s no wonder people are confused about whether it’s good to eat cheese, when even food experts are divided.

The researchers analyzed grasshoppers, crickets, mealworms and buffalo worms for their mineral contents and estimated how much of each nutrient would likely get absorbed if eaten.

It's Halloween time — the costumes, the candy, and lots of it. Maybe it’s time to forget the calories for a moment and take a look at the ingredients.

Health Check: Can Vitamins Supplement a Poor Diet?
And are vitamin and mineral supplements for everyone?