
"We're excited about the exploration ahead for New Horizons, and also about what we are still discovering from Pluto flyby data"
| 3 min read

By studying Pluto's famous "heart," researchers discovered that there may be an ocean layer of at least 100 kilometers (62 miles) below Pluto's surface.
| 4 min read

"Prior to Pluto, the most distant solar system body with detected X-ray emission was Saturn's rings and disk."
| 4 min read

Pluto Is Not a Cold, Dead World Afterall
byJoanne Kennell
It has a "roiling sea of volatile nitrogen ice."
| 3 min read

Video: Best Photos of Pluto We May See for Decades
byElizabeth Knowles
NASA releases super-high resolution images of Pluto’s craters, mountains and ice fields.
| 2 min read

Pluto Has Volcanoes But They Don’t Spew Lava
byGillian Burrell
In the four months since New Horizons’ historic flyby of Pluto, NASA has made incredible discoveries including two cryovolcanoes.
| 2 min read
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