Prosthetic Limbs

With a 3-D printer and about $15, senior physics major Ryan Bouricius was able to create a functional prosthetic hand that can be used to grip, write and even catch a ball.

Meet Mosha: The First Elephant With a Prosthetic Leg

New Breakthrough in Prosthetics: Brain Signals Can Control Individual Finger Movement
Researchers at John Hopkins University continue their groundbreaking work on mind-controlled prosthetic limbs with a recent study claiming to be first to display control over individual fingers.

Science and Goodwill Saved This Kitty’s Life
Vincent, a 3-year-old domestic short-haired cat, received prosthetic titanium-alloy hind legs at Iowa State.

Could Salamanders Be the Key to Regrowing Entire Human Limbs?
The weirdly cute axolotl amphibian can regrow entire lost limbs. So you might be thinking, why can't humans do the same?

New Era of Prosthetics May Restore Sense of Touch
The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) says it has achieved a first in the world of prosthetics — a prosthetic hand that can restore a “near-natural” sense of touch.