Quantum Mechanics
The same researchers who pioneered the use of a quantum mechanical effect to convert heat into electricity have figured out how to make their technique work in a form more suitable to industry.
Extremely accurate measurements of microwave signals can potentially be used for data encryption based on quantum cryptography and other purposes.
Quantum physics is a field that appears to give scientists superpowers. Those who understand the world of extremely small or cold particles can perform amazing feats with them -- including teleportation -- that appear to bend reality.
A hologram with a single particle of light!
Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt That Majorana Fermions Exist
Not only could they transform quantum computing, they’re a candidate for dark matter.
Hawking: Black Holes Are Not “Eternal Prisons”
"If you feel you are trapped in a black hole, don’t give up. There is a way out."
Who thought it could get any weirder?
"Quantum control has been a dream for many years."