Racial Issues

Black men are three times more likely to develop prostate cancer than other demographics, yet black men are consistently underrepresented in research studies, say researchers from King’s College London.
| 2 min read

The Medical Community Holds Some Horribly False Beliefs About Black Patients, Study Finds
byKelly Tatera
| 2 min read

For Some, a Name Can Significantly Impact Lifespan
byReece Alvarez
| 2 min read

Blind People Can Be Racist Too, Study Shows
byKelly Tatera
Although the blind experience race in a much different way than the sighted, they have other ways of passing judgements on the people they encounter.
| 3 min read

Do Republicans Have Happier Marriages Than Democrats?
byKelly Tatera
A new sociology study links Republican views to marital satisfaction. But is politics the key to a successful marriage, or are race and religion bigger factors?
| 3 min read
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