
Scientists are exploring undersea volcanoes, monitoring coastal erosion along hard-to-reach shorelines, and studying the movement of sea ice – all in real time.
| 4 min read

China’s Quantum Satellite Could Make Data Breaches a Thing of the Past
byThe Conversation
| 3 min read

Findings by UCLA-led team hold promise for new ways to protect telecommunication and navigation satellites.
| 3 min read

Australia’s Place on the Map is About to Shift
byErica Tennenhouse
The land down under is headed north-north-east.
| 2 min read

Is it possible that in the next few years human-made meteor showers could be easily achieved? The space entertainment company ALE thinks so.
| 3 min read

NASA to Fight Forest Fires from Space
byElizabeth Knowles
Satellite sensors will catch forest fires before they spread.
| 2 min read

New Satellites Will Detect Your Face and Phone from Space
byKelly Tatera
If you thought the aerial imaging on Google Earth was creepy, you’re in for a rude awakening.
| 2 min read
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