
The Moon, and the question of how it was formed, has long been a source of fascination and wonder.
| 2 min read

4 Things You're Not Allowed to Do in Space
byJohannes Van Zijl
| 1 min read

Researchers have examined cucumber seedlings germinated under the very weak gravity - or microgravity - conditions of the International Space Station.
| 3 min read

Researchers have discovered that tantalum carbide and hafnium carbide materials can withstand scorching temperatures of nearly 4000 degrees Celsius.
| 3 min read

Japan Goes Fishing For Space Junk
byMaggie Romuld
Space debris is an ongoing problem for scientists who work to protect vulnerable navigation, weather, and communication equipment.
| 2 min read

Scientists have simulated the violent collisions between supernovae and its surrounding gas -- which is ejected before a supernova explosion, thereby giving off an extreme brightness.
| 3 min read
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