Sports & Fitness
People who do fewer repetitions during high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts may get better fitness benefits than those who complete more.
With a $16 million grant, researchers hope to develop a simple pill treatment for TBI and concussions through mouse and human studies.
There's not enough evidence that sports drinks are any better at hydrating you than water.
"With large numbers of people around the world participating in this sport, it is important that they are aware of what is happening inside the brain and the lasting effect this may have."
"Our experiments show that it might be possible to use methamphetamine to treat meth addiction itself, by associating drug usage with a stimuli that's not harmful: exercise.”
The risk of a heart attack is more than tripled, according to the largest-ever study of its kind.
Contrary to popular belief, sex before sport doesn’t have a negative effect on the athlete and could even benefit performance.
Researchers found approximately 3,400 RNA variants, associated with 2,600 genes, that changed in response to training.