
These tips from the American Psychological Association might help you cope with this aggravating election year.
| 1 min read

If workers feel they have no freedom in a high-stress job, it can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms, like smoking and overeating.
| 4 min read

Plants Get Stressed and Emit Defensive Signals Like Humans
byErica Tennenhouse
Study finds G-proteins that rapidly diversified early in land plant evolution can mediate stress responses.
| 2 min read

In a study with mice, researchers highlight the importance of accounting for gender differences when dealing with stress.
| 2 min read

Metabolic and anxiety-related disorders both pose a significant healthcare burden, and are in the spotlight of contemporary research and therapeutic efforts. Although intuitively we assume that these two phenomena overlap, the link has not been proven scientifically.
| 2 min read
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