The Senses

Researchers found a way to make milk chocolate that has even more nutritional benefits of dark chocolate without affecting the taste.
| 2 min read

Resurrecting Darwin’s ‘Lop-eared’ Rabbits
byErica Tennenhouse
| 3 min read

Odor Receptors Discovered in an Unexpected Place
byErica Tennenhouse
| 2 min read

Music Makes Beer Taste Better, New Study Finds
byKelly Tatera
Multisensory information can impact the way we perceive taste.
| 2 min read

How Will You Fare in the Color Perception Test That’s Trending on Facebook?
byJohannes Van Zijl
Give this simple looking but insanely challenging color perception quiz a go!
| 1 min read

Scent Firm Creates 'Space Perfume' That Smells Like Comet 67P
byJohannes Van Zijl
A foul perfume that smells like rotten eggs, cat urine and bitter almonds!
| 2 min read

Why Deer Avoid Running East or West When Threatened
byErica Tennenhouse
Inner compass helps roe deer plan their escape.
| 2 min read

Exploring how the senses influence addictive behaviors could lead to better treatments.
| 2 min read

5 Reasons Why Pod Coffee Doesn’t Taste as Good as Drip Coffee
byJoanne Kennell
Life is too short to drink bad coffee!
| 3 min read

Synesthesia Mask Could Let You Smell Colors
byElizabeth Knowles
Blue smells like lavender
| 2 min read
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