Toxic Substances
FDA Warns a Popular Artificial Sweetener Can Kill Dogs
byJoanne Kennell
Although xylitol is harmless to humans, it affects dogs very differently.
| 2 min read
Neurotoxins Lead Newts to New Breeding Sites
byErica Tennenhouse
| 3 min read
‘Venom Man’ Claims He Can Become Immune to Deadly Snake Venom
byJohannes Van Zijl
| 1 min read
Mysterious Solenodon: The Mammal With a Snake-Like Bite
byJoanne Kennell
From smelling like a goat, to not being able to jump — it is one unique mammal!
| 3 min read
10 Deadly Toxins That Could End Up Saving Your Life
byJohannes Van Zijl
Just talking about snakes and scorpions might be giving some people the chills, but there might be something beneficial to humanity in some of these deadly venoms and poisons.
| 1 min read
This list really applies to all pets.
| 2 min read
Why Is Chocolate so Bad for Dogs?
byJohannes Van Zijl
For most of us it is common knowledge that dogs should not be eating chocolate, but have you ever wondered why that is?
| 1 min read
Fracking uses more than 1,000 different chemicals.
| 2 min read
Could Fish-Flavored Food Be Harming Your Cat’s Health?
byJoanne Kennell
Hyperthyroidism is on the rise.
| 2 min read
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