Stanford physicist Peter Graham recently received a Breakthrough New Horizons in Physics Prize for his new direction for looking for the most basic laws of nature.
New research shows that not only can gas gather itself into planet-size objects, but those objects then are flung throughout the galaxy in a game of cosmic 'spitball.'
The 11 farthest known stars in our galaxy are located about 300,000 light-years from Earth. New research shows that half of those stars might have been ripped from another galaxy.
An Experimental Journey to the Center of the Earth Yields Clues to Make-up of Planet’s Core
Japanese scientists believe Silicon should be added to the list of major elements in the Earth’s core.
One of the burning questions of our time.
Solar energetic particles may cause dielectric breakdown in lunar regolith in a permanently shadowed region (PSR).
Brain Teaser: Guess the Diagonal
Try to solve this brain teaser in less than a minute.
The Moon, and the question of how it was formed, has long been a source of fascination and wonder.