Vitamins & Minerals
Vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of chronic headache, according to a new study.
| 2 min read
Health Check: Can Vitamins Supplement a Poor Diet?
byThe Conversation
And are vitamin and mineral supplements for everyone?
| 3 min read
A review by Canadian medical researchers finds little evidence for the benefits of vitamin D supplementation
| 3 min read
Copper Plays a Key Role in Burning Fat, Study Suggests
byKelly Tatera
Established for the first time in mice.
| 2 min read
Vitamin D Could Help Repair Damaged Hearts
byJohannes Van Zijl
A recent study suggests a daily dose of vitamin D could help people with diseased hearts!
| 2 min read
Bell peppers vary in more than just color, with each providing varying levels of nutrition.
| 2 min read
Different does not necessarily mean better.
| 3 min read
8 Widespread Nutrition Myths: Debunked by Science
byKelly Tatera
Contrary to popular belief, oranges aren’t the best way to get Vitamin C.
| 3 min read
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