
"Whether there was explosive volcanism on Mars and how much of it there was is an important question in terms of finding out what the past climate was like."
| 2 min read

New research shows that volcanic magma build-up poses a growing threat to the safety of thousands of residents of a nearby city.
| 3 min read

Scientists Uncover the Inner Workings of Volcanic Avalanches
byErica Tennenhouse
Insights from an eruption simulator may help predict future volcanic behavior.
| 2 min read

Lava From Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Has Entered the Ocean
byErica Tennenhouse
The photographs are incredible!
| 2 min read

A Catastrophic Super-Eruption Would Give the World 1 Year to Prepare Before Exploding
byErica Tennenhouse
Scientists detect warning signs in quartz crystals.
| 2 min read

Mystery of Volcanic Lightning Origin Solved
byJoanne Kennell
Volcanoes really can produce lightning!
| 2 min read
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