Water on Mars

Dramatic climate cycles on early Mars, triggered by buildup of greenhouse gases, may be the key to understanding how liquid water left its mark on the planet's surface, according to a team of planetary scientists.
| 3 min read

Mineral veins found in Mars’s Gale Crater were formed by the evaporation of ancient Martian lakes, a new study has shown.
| 2 min read

Evidence of a Martian Ice Age Discovered by Scientists
byJoanne Kennell
It occurred roughly 370,000 years ago.
| 3 min read

Possible Dwellings of Early Life on Mars Identified
byJoanne Kennell
A step forward in understanding how habitable ancient Mars was.
| 2 min read

Mysterious Martian Terrain Could Be the Result of Boiling Water
byJoanne Kennell
The role of water in carving the planet’s surface may not be insignificant afterall.
| 3 min read

Why We Can’t Investigate the Water on Mars
bySarah Tse
Astronomers are trapped in the exquisitely painful limbo of knowing exactly where to look for Martian life, but being unable to do so for fear of sabotaging the mission.
| 3 min read
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