A little unsettling…
From claims we never really landed on the moon to arguments that climate change is just a scam to control the masses, some conspiracy theorists’ outlandish beliefs can be swiftly shut down with the scientific facts.
However, this is not the case all of the time — a video by YouTube user TestTube Plus discusses 13 conspiracy theories that actually turned out to be true.
First and foremost, he goes over what is needed to constitute a conspiracy theory: an event or supposed fraud, a group of people or alliance that got together to commit the fraud, coordination between this group of people to make sure the fraud stays secret, and finally, a motive for the conspiracy.
SEE ALSO: The Most Bizarre Theories About Earth That People Still Believe
So, which conspiracy theories — despite how crazy they sounded — turned out to be true?
Operation Mockingbird, a conspiracy pulled off by the CIA, was a calculated plan to control the media. The CIA recruited leading American journalists into a network to help present the views of the CIA to the general public, according to TestTube Plus. The CIA funded magazines and cultural organizations all as fronts for CIA information, and then using that information system, the CIA was actually able to influence foreign media and political campaigns.
The secret campaign began in the 1950s, but it wasn’t until 1976 that the United States Congress investigated the conspiracy theory and published a report.
Another conspiracy theory that turned out to be true was a project called MKUltra — another plot of the CIA. The program began in the early 1950s, and is sometimes referred to as the CIA’s “mind control program.”
In order to test whether certain drugs would draw out deep confessions, the CIA administered LSD to a number of unknowing subjects — prisoners, mental patients, doctors, military personnel, and CIA employees — in order to study the reactions to the drug. The subjects were reportedly interrogated under bright lights and told that their trips would be extended indefinitely if they didn’t reveal their secrets. Project MKUltra was officially halted in 1973.
Curious about the other 11 conspiracy theories that turned out to be real? Watch TestTube Plus’ full video below.
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