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Top 12 Holiday Gift Ideas for Scientists

‘Tis the season to be nerdy.

| 2 min read

‘Tis the season to be nerdy.

The holiday season is upon us, and it’s time to begin deciding which gifts to surprise our loved ones with.

To help out our fellow science enthusiasts, we’ve put together a list of 12 of the coolest science-related holiday gift ideas. Happy gift hunting!

1. ‘Beer’ Periodic Table of Elements ornament for beer-loving scientists: Purchase here

beer ornament

credit: Amazon

2. Give someone the universe with this beautiful nine planets bracelet: Purchase here

planet bracelet

credit: Amazon

3. Heat-activated constellation mug for star lovers: Purchase here

constellation mug

credit: Amazon

4. Brain coasters — perfect for the neuroscientist in your life: Purchase here

brain coasters

credit: Amazon

5. Laboratory beaker wine glasses for scientists who double as wine connoisseurs: Purchase here

laboratory beaker wine glasses

credit: Amazon

6. Higgs Boson watch. “Okay, let's be honest. None of us really understands this. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy this watch and look much smarter than your friends when you're wearing it.” Purchase here

higgs boson watch

credit: Amazon

7. A unique phylogenetic tree necklace for an evolutionary scientist — comes in 3 colors! Purchase here

phylogenetic tree

credit: Somersault18:24

8. Mathematician who loves to cook? Pi plates may be the one: Purchase here

pi plates

credit: Uncommon Goods

9. Planet lollipops — delicious and almost as beautiful as the real things! Purchase here


planet lollipops

credit: Uncommon Goods

10. Great Minds Puzzles for those who can’t get enough of brain teasers: Purchase here

mind puzzles

credit: Uncommon Goods

11. Dopamine necklace — also available for Serotonin and Oxytocin: Purchase here



dopamine necklace


credit: Uncommon Goods


12. Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words by Randall Munroe (xkcd) — learning complicated concepts just got a little simpler: Purchase here



credit: Amazon


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